Tag: horror story

The Rattle

Flash fiction, inspired by personal experience.

Call Drops by John F. Leonard

Vincent Preece’s treasure is other peoples’ junk. Rooting around second-hand shops is his top hobby, yet times have changed over the years. Things have become too clean, too orderly, without that original layer of grease. Still, car boot sales still manage to get it right. and Vincent lands the jackpot when he discovers an old mobile phone, one that doesn’t seem normal. Soon enough, a call comes through, and his life will never be the same.

The Mongrel by Seán O’Connor

Erin Greene’s relationship with her partner could be better, yet despite the many arguments and physical altercations, she’s determined to make it work with the father of her unborn child. Going out on a drive with the intention of quality time to themselves, Erin and Phil are left stranded in a snowstorm, yet the cold’s not the only thing to worry about. It’s possible they just might be surrounded by wolves.